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The Abuse of Power

With Great power comes great responsibility, this is the main idea that comes to my head whenever I hear the word power, call me an early two thousands kid I don’t care. But I feel this holds true, as in the presentation Stan and Phillip were talking about how it is good to have power as a motivation and in certain circumstances I agree. As it is a good thing to have something like power to motivate you to become a better person or better worker. But I have also seen the Star Wars Prequel trilogy (Spoiler Alert!) where Chancellor Palpatine also known as Darth Sidious, uses his motivation for power to manipulate the galaxy to starting a pointless war where he is the only beneficiary. Countless Jedi and Clone troupers lose their live only for them all to be slaughtered or thrown aside at the end of the war, and for Darth Sidious to take control as the eventual Emperor. He then uses this power to oppress the galaxy and eventually blows up a planet. Now yes this is a fictional tale, but it still tells a story or how the idea of power can corrupt someone and the path to attaining this power. In fact it is young Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker who is corrupted by his desire for power to keep his secret wife alive, to join the dark side which seals the fate of the galaxy.

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